Thursday, April 2, 2009 at 7:42 AM

Got this quiz from See Cat's blog...I like quizzes!!!
10' Are you's
1.Are you single - And proud to be!!!
2.Are you happy - Yups
3.Are you bored - Nope
.4.Are you fair - Depends...
6.Are you intelligent - At least I'm smarter than you...
7.Are you honest - Yes! Shifty look*
8.Are you nice - of course!
9.Are you Irish - ????Non
10' Facts about you.
1.Full name - 2nd link on the left
2.Nickname - NIL
~3.Birth place - Singapore
4.Hair colour - Black?
5.Natural hair style - Er.....
6.Eye colour - Dark Dark brown = black
7.Date of birth - 18 May
.8.Mood - tired...
9.Favourite Colour(s) - Everything except brown and bright bright sickeningly bright yellow and green...
10.One place you like to visit - Not sure....
10'questions about my love life.
1.Have you ever been in love -'s just infatuation
2.Do you believe in love at first sight - Yes...i believe in flying cows too..
3.Do you currently have a crush - On the really cute guy from another school that i've only met once in my life???
4.Have you ever been hurt emotionally - who hasn't?
5.Have you ever broken someone's heart - by failing math???
6.Have you have your heart broken - You think?
7.Have you ever liked someone but never told them - Yes...
8.Are you afraid of commitment - Commitment? Er...
9.Who was the last person you hug -NIL
10.Who was the last person you said I love you to - Myself...:D
10'this or that
1.Love or lust - I don't mind having both...cheeky grin* I'm not horny!!!
2Hard liquor or beer - i don't drink...
3.Cat or Dog - banana!
4.A few best friends or regular friends - A few besties!
5.Creamy or crunchy - Crunch crunch
6.Pencil or Pen - Pen
7.Wild night out or a romantic night in - neither...
8.Money or happiness - can I have both???
9.Night or day - day
10.IM or phone - Phone.
10'Have you ever's
1.Been caught sneaking out - no
2.Seen a polar bear - at the zoo
3.Done something you regret - Yes...
4.Bungee jump - nope
5.Eaten food that fell on the floor - grrr....yes
6.Finished entire jaw breaker - huh?
7.Been caught naked - yes...hehe
8.Wanted an ex gf/bf back - I wouldn't call him an ex....
9.Cried because you lost a pet - No...
10.Wanted to disappear - yes...
10'preferences in a partner
1.Smile or eyes - eyes....
2.Light or dark hair - dark
D3.Hugs or kisses - private matter!!!
4.Shorter or taller - Taller
5.Intelligent or Attraction - you mean intelligence..
6.Topman or zara - Both...
7.Funny or serious - Both!!
8.Older or younger - Preferably same age..
9.Outgoing or quiet - Quiet but not shy...
10.Sweet or bad - Sweet.
10'Have you's
1.Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Yup!
2.Ever talked on the phone for longer than 1 hr - yes...
3.Ever walk on hands - i can't
4.Ever been to a rock concert - No..
5.Ever been in a cheerleading team - nope
6.Ever been in dance team - NO WAY.
7.Ever been in sports team -yes
8.Ever been in a drama play/production - nope
9.Ever owned a BWW/Mercedes Benz/Escalade/Hummer/Bentley- what's the point w/o a license...
10.Ever been in a rap video - thanks!
10'Lasts1.Last phone call you made - See Miao
2.Last person you hugged- Nil
3.Last person you hung out with - My friends.
4.Last time you worked - er...
5.Last person you talked to - Mom
6.Last person you IM'D - See Miao
7.Last person you text - Rui Min
8.Last person you went movie with - Soon Min
9.Last person/thing you missed - my sleep!
10.Last website you visited -

10 ppl to do this : Everyone...

Finally, after meeting someone who is currently in the same situation as NJL and seeing everything from her POV, I can't help but find that we were in the wrong to treat NJL and in my friend's case- her classmates treating her- then... WE are currently in different classes and it's easier to get along with her now...for some reason... why is this so??? Perhaps my opinions aren't wavered by the rumours since she's gone to another class, taking the rumours with her...???? I don't want choir to disband!!!!!!!! It's too fun to be axed!!!!! Sad :( I must find more people to join choir and humanities club!!!! See Miao Miao and I decided to hold a conference for the sec 1s...telling teacher bout our idea tomorrow... Wa lao...must rush out Literature's puppet show and Ngee Ann poly's ebook competition...decided to do in a group with Ysabel, See Miang.... all English pros together :P I luv the math tutoring programme for hougang primary!!!! My buddy is extremely cooperative and willing to learn....

Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at 3:07 AM

My new favourite bands!!!!!!!!
  • Cash Cash
  • The Academy is...
  • The White Tie Affair
  • Hey Monday
  • We The Kings

Both presentations went pretty well I supposed...extremely proud of the 3 videos that i did....Kevin Seow is a petty, irritating, stubborn and @!$#!#%$!^#. I want to f**king curse him!!!!!!!! He ruins everything!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 at 3:00 AM

TOP 2 fave actors
Gaspard Ulliel & Jackson Rathbone ( Jasper Hale)

Its not surprising Hannibal Lecter turned out like this. After all he had gone through, its only natural...Having both his parents killed and his sister eaten isn't the life I preferred him to have. War does this to people...I prefer Hannibal Rising over Silence Of The Lambs...the cast played a factor I supposed. I know I'm supposed to enjoy the story and appreciate the cast and everything
but I can't help but drool over Gaspard Ulliel in Hannibal Rising and am not quite used to seeing him age overnight in Silence Of The Lambs. Watched HR before SOTL... Gaspard Ulliel is uber cute....:P
Had been waiting for someone to notice me...though when he finally did..i found that he isn't really what I expected him to be..kinda sucks now that he finally noticed me.

Monday, March 9, 2009 at 1:00 AM

After watching Red Cliff 2 @ uncle Brian's housewarming yesterday, I found the Takeshi Kaneshito and Zhao Wei actually look quite cute'm watching a historical movie with some minor mistakes and all yet I'm matchmaking the actors inside...Takeshi Kaneshito is so cute....If asked to categorize movies, I'll probably put Poseidon, Red Cliff, Curse of the Golden Flower etc etc together because of the graphic war scenes ( in Poseidon's case, ship sinking, fire, falling from a great height etc etc)-arrows going through heads, sliced off hands- brrrr. Creepy...
Gugu told us that my family name is actually NOT called SEOW (XIAO). My great-great grandma actually married a Pan ( haha very funny, not that pan), had a son( my great granddad), her Pan husband died, so she remarried with her kid into a Xiao family. Sooo, I'm actually a Pan!....Family history time!!!!( Courtesy of Wiki)
Teochew -yes, I'm a Teochew-"Seow" are mainly Changyangxiao from Chaoyang(潮阳), Kwangtung(广东省), China.The Xiao family originated from Xiaosien(萧县), in Anhui province(安徽省), China. It was from the kingdom of Xiao(萧国) in the ancient China. The first Xiao was an emperor, name Xiao Ta shing(萧大心) during Chow Dynasty. Later on, the descendants of Xiao He(蕭何)(the first prime minister of Han Dynasty)during the Han Wu Ti period(汉武帝时期); Xiao Biao(萧彪) and his family moved to Langling(兰陵), now Fungsien(峰县) of Shandong province(山东省) due to some political problem. Xiao people is also called themselves from Langling, sometime they are called Langling Xiao (“兰陵萧”). Then shift and shift and shift and shift.
A Chinese surname that is often romanized as Poon, Pun, or Pon.The surname is spelled as Ban (formerly, Pan) in South Korea and Phan in Vietnam.
One source lists Ji Sun, a descendant of Zhou Wen Wang as to being the origin of this surname.With his descendants having taken up the name of the area he governed, situated north of Shaanxi.
Another source Pan came from the last name Mi, a noble family of the Chu kingdom. Later, the Mis changed their name to Pan. Among their descendents, there was a noble named Pan Chong. Pan served as Regent (Kingmaker) and advisor in the Chu kingdom. When King Chu Cheng Wang decided to relinquish throne to his younger son instead, Pan Chong aided the elder prince Shang Chen instead. This led to the suicide of Zhou Cheng Wang. For Pan's contribution, King Shang Chen gave Pan the title of the "Royal Tutor" and gave him all the wealth that he had accumulated while he was a prince. The Pan family thus had a very high social status in the Chu kingdom.

Saturday, February 28, 2009 at 7:30 PM

Visiting their blogs made me reminiscence about the past....Will we meet up again after we graduate???? Will we still stay in contact???Perhaps twenty years later, I'll spot a familiar person carrying a baby and pushing a stroller and say...Eh? Isn't that so and so....I can't wait for that to happen....How will our lives be like after we graduate and get married...or in my case, stay single....get a job....I've decided...after visiting's my top three choices of a job...
  1. Sociologist
  2. psychologist
  3. political scientist

Of course..I'll invest my money or companies???? Maybe both??? Perhaps stocks??? Going nowhere with Forex now....Got my results....I failed math again!!!I must really buck up this time...I don't want to stay in MSG 3.00 for the rest of my live!!!I don't wanna fail o'level math!!!! Anyway, here's my so called perfect results...How I envy the 1. something people....

  • English-A1:D
  • Math-F9:(
  • Science-A1!!!33/35
  • Literature-B4...there wasn't enough time to finish my essay!!!!
  • Chinese-B4...missed by 1 mark
  • Homec-A1!!!
  • History-A1!!!Didn't get highest this time....

Signing off soon...Went to Great World City for dinner yesterday...I like sushi....Oh, and to everyone who sees this...the new Laura Ashley shop at dad's company did the lighting!!! Nice right????

Added on the 2nd of March....Reading about the Sterling High(fictional) killings in Jodi Picoult's nineteen minutes really changed my perception bout high school in America...Is the environment really like that there? My heart froze when I read about the part where Peter, after a month in jail,worked out and found that he could actually stand up to his bullies now. This shows that he shouldn't have gone on that killing spree and should instead work out more. The victims died in vain...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009 at 2:04 AM

Miroo and YeJun went back to Korea ...They invited us to stay with them during the school hols...would they even remember us then?? I'll miss them so...We're currently learning bout WWII..I realised that General Yamashita died in 1946 and thought that he committed suicide after the fall of the Japs...I was wrong. I was kinda surprised after I did a search in Wiki. Yamashita had the officer who instigated the Alexander hospital massacre and some soldiers caught looting executed for these acts, and he personally apologised to the surviving patients. It's pretty obvious that he wasn't the cause of the war crimes in Singapore during the Jap occupation. This might be subjected to controversy though..Yamashita surrendered after the war.This time, however, Percival refused to shake Yamashita's hand, being angered by the exterminationist tactics that Yamashita had allegedly employed against Allied prisoners of war, so Yamashita burst into tears. Although Yamashita might have been expected to commit suicide prior to this surrender, he did not, however as he did not want someone else to take the blame. He got hanged in the end...its sad isn't it? He's repentant but didn't get the forgiveness that he longed for from Percival...
I borrowed the The Bronte Project from the library recently...Am kinda embarressed and envious of the author's writing skills....Its profound and poetic...and funny.For example...
Denis says that Americans( no offence ) are obsessed with penetrating a child ( vaccinations) He claims that a child is being sexualized and yet Americans cannot cope with this reality so they make it bout vaccinations. He claims that his countrymen( France) ( no offence, yet again...i'm only quoting from the book) do not hide behind needles. To which Sara Frost replies, " You copulate in the streets?" Denis sighs and says that this is why you ( Sara Frost, American)have child molesters. Sara Frost rolls eyes, " And France has no child molesters?" Denis says...we do, but they are from America.
Haha! Get it? I expect not..but it's funny if you get it...I would rather have an older sis than two sucky younger bros

Life Is A Maze & Love Is A Riddle Thursday, February 5, 2009 at 12:19 AM

Ello!!! Scratches head* Uploading another real lovely song by Lenka, oh wait, its disabled. Sheesh... No worries, here are the lyrics. Real meaningful sortoff right? Hehe...

The Show by Lenka
I'm just a little bit
caught in the middle
Life is a maze
and love is a riddle

I don't know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
and I don't know why

Slow it down
make it stop
or else my heart is going to pop
'cuz it's too much
Yeah, it's a lot
to be something I'm not

I'm a fool
out of love
'cuz I just can't get enough

I'm just a little bit
caught in the middle
Life is a maze
and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
and I don't know why

I am just a little girl
lost in the moment
I'm so scared
but don't show it
I can't figure it out
it's bringing me down
I know
I've got to let it go
and just enjoy the show

The sun is hot
in the sky
just like a giant spotlight
The people follow the sign
and synchronize in time
It's a joke
Nobody knows
they've got a ticket to that show

I'm just a little bit
caught in the middle
Life is a maze
and love is a riddle
I dont know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
and I don't know why

I am just a little girl
lost in the moment
I'm so scared
but don't show it
I can't figure it out
it's bringing me down
I know
I've got to let it go
and just enjoy the show

oh oh
Just enjoy the show
oh oh

I'm just a little bit
caught in the middle
life is a maze
and love is a riddle
I dont know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
and I don't know why

I am just a little girl
lost in the moment
I'm so scared
but I don't show it
I can't figure it out
it's bringing me down
I know
I've got to let it go
and just enjoy the show

dum de dum
dudum de dum

Just enjoy the show

dum de dum
dudum de dum

Just enjoy the show

I want my money back
I want my money back
I want my money back
Just enjoy the show

I want my money back
I want my money back
I want my money back
Just enjoy the show

Don't you agree that life IS a maze and love IS indeed a riddle??? Those the show in this song refers to life? Shall we just sit back and enjoy life??? Ignore me, I'm just looking for something to type....My brother joined hilarious....he plays basketball and soccer. The basketball teacher has been hounding him to join basketball. But, NO....he doesn't wants to. He join scouts don't really mind that much least now he'll be gone every Friday afternoon....hehe
Kevin trying out his new uniform....

Putting on his scarf...

And his boots...

End result...


Saturday, January 31, 2009 at 6:13 AM

Okays.....This post is going to be a pretty loooooooooong post. I will be introducing two of my most fav singers, Lily Allen & Kylie Minogue. This post is also dedicated to my friend IJun.... Okays, first things first.... IJun, my neighbour and friend...Though we have known each other for less than 5 months, I'll miss you....You are a bubbly and inspirational person...You give out hugs at whim... I'll miss your hugs.... I'll miss you...You're probably on the plane back to Korea now and will probably never come back to Singapore again... But if you read this, though I highly doubt that you will...seeing that you didn't even know that I've have a blog, but hopefully you do read this....Let's promise to meet up somewhere, sometime.... I'll remember you always...
Miroo & Ijun....

Okays.... now for the videos....
The first video, a really great song by Kylie Minogue...Can't get you out of my head

Another retro Kylie Minogue too....In My Arms...

Lily Allen now...A hilarious song... I really like this... Lily Allen ~ Smile

Okay... now Lily Allen with LDN.. Lily Allen's songs are real funny right???:D I luv the MV...

Okays...I saed the best for last... this is the latest one....and my all time fav... Lily Allen, The Fear....

Wednesday, January 21, 2009 at 12:53 AM

New Post!!!!!A friend told me that we're supposed to have a max of 12 subjects to get into Hwa Chong and that we neighbourhood schools are only allowed to have 8 subjects max. Finding that unfair, I decided to write to MOE, again along with some questions about subject combi. WEll, guess what? All were misconceptions. MOE sent the email to the VP and I ended up seeing him during recess. Had my doubts cleared and was told to ask my FT if I wanted to know anything else. Was pretty embarrassed...School's allowing us to wear home clothes ( red ) for the new year celebrations. Lol, what can I wear.... Meeting Bren Bren at interchange too. Can't wait!!!!!!!:D Remember to bring the read & enjoy with my story hor! My story is in the Constellation tooooo!!!!!!! Yeah! Woohoo!MY MOMMY ( muacks ) allowed me to go on a shopping spree online with my LTSS money!!!! Yay!!!!! Captivated by Iljimae, building a korean town in Sims now...lolz...Pet Society rules!!!!!!!! :D Ending Possssssst...o

Thursday, December 25, 2008 at 11:20 PM

BEAMS**** Went SHOPPING yesterday...I luv shopping...Went to Bugis and Marina Square and had a ball of a time. Do you know that Little Match Girl is having a sale and all clothes are going at $15. Bought a few blouses and a really nice dress, black of course. Mom asked why I'm always buying black, maybe its because black isn't pink or blue or yellow? I don't always buy black anyway. Bought two blouses with hoods at Espirit also. Still searching for the perfect hoodie... Had Jap for dinner at Marina Square to top it off. Sigh* an almost perfect day...OKAY< that's enough for now... This section of the post is completely dedicated to the oh so mesmerizing Twilight....
OMG, check out this super cute video.. its so sweet... Don't you find Jasper cute? I'm irrevocably in love with twilight...Super Massive Blackhole!!!!!!!!

Another twilight video, the baseball scene. Like, WOW, this scene really got me excited. This is my fav scene from the movie. Oooooh, I would want to be a vampire if all vampires are like the cullens... Alice and Jasper are sooo cute together...

Bella meets the Cullens.. Wooooo....

Monday, December 22, 2008 at 4:42 AM

Ello Elmo! Went to Vivo with Soonmin today. Watched Twilight and bought christmas presents. A skateboard for each of my bros, treats for my rents, keychains for Ijun, Miroo and Yejun, earringss for Bridget and a science constellation thing for Darius. Already bought Desiree's persent in HK. Ooooh, how I love Twilight! Its really quite nice actually despite what others say. Soonmin and I spent almost the entire movie comparing the movie to the book and overall, I still prefer the book. Watched trailers for the Duchess and Australia and really look foward to watching them. If they're PG. I love Super MASSIVE black h o l e and flightless bird American Mouth. Applied to be a volunteer with Lena for TOUCH. Hopefully they accept our applications....

Saturday, December 13, 2008 at 6:35 AM

Hello! The photos for the HK trip are here, compiled into two powerpoints. The first powerpoint contains photos of the 4 days I spent with HS RCY and the 2nd, of the remaining 3 days that I spent with my family when they flew to HK to meet me. C:\Users\hp\Documents\hk rcy_files\frame.htm and C:\Users\hp\Documents\hk [Autosaved]_files\frame.htm . Unlock blocked content, there isn't any virus, so don't worry. Sigh* Nothing much to talk bout, attended project love today, Yups.....Sigh****

Monday, December 1, 2008 at 1:11 AM

To all those that thought fairytales were meant for kids, you are so very wrong. Honestly, after reading this article about the original versions of Cinderella etc etc, I rather not read about the not so original fairytales anymore. Though sick, these tales are really interesting, I mean, where else can you read about an abused Sleeping Beauty ( admit it, you'll be interested too )-btw, I'm not a perv, it IS really entertaining- or decapitated heads? Visit for more enthralling versions of the original fairytales. Mwahahaha, prepare to be spooked. ( slideshow bout hk trip coming up. )

Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 6:06 AM

Hoho, hoho, hohohoho. Yupz, lots to tell, recently came back from Hong Kong, updating in another post once I fiinish my slideshow. Woooo... found out that they actually count by L1R5, I am going to 2E1!!!!!!!!WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bren Bren came to my hse on Mon, didn't see her very long long time. Wow, she's already one head taller and she says that my no topic friend is already 17+. .....I am not short!!!!!!! Red Cross outing at Sentosa today!!!!!! :) Really fun. We played in the sea, I like sea water, saltish...I love salt! :) Laura, Cheryl, Xinjie and I ran across the bridge and harrassed some 8 year olds. Lol. We are evil!!! Screamed a lot at the Southern Most Point. Mostly screamed out cheers, Hs RCY, I love Edward Cullen, Twilight, Scream..... My shorts was damn wet and full of sand after that. Tried to be a smart aleck and not change, had to suffer the consequences later, it wasn't nice.... So rushed around vivo trying to buy shorts. Bought from I.P Zone at $29. Had Sakae Sushi for dinner. I love raw fish!!!!!!!!!Reached home at 8.30....Laura a.k.a Little Miss Sunshine was very sweet, smsing me to take care on the way home...wa lao, wasted $5 on chocolates from Candy Empire. They melted when I foolishly left them in the sun. Sigh....Btw, I am currently writing Harry Potter The Marauders fanfics. . Username: lilgreenbee come and support!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

Monday, October 20, 2008 at 4:53 AM

Sigh*.....I'm still irrevocably in love with the Twilight saga.....Edward Cullen is so romantic...... Inner Demon ( obviously a guy, possibly Everett Chua ) ; Ha, romantic....puke*
I (defending my thoughts ); I'm a girl! Of course I find him romantic....
Finally got promoted to lance corporal after suffering for so long. Marching in the sun for dunno how long is no mean feat. Didn't even know that I passed foot drill bronze leh. Wasted a few hours moping, when I thought I didn't pass. ......... Got into supporting contingent for speech day and am supposed to collect highest in level for history prize too, clashed again. Now I'm supposed to rush from parade square to hall in like less than 10 mins in my red cross uniform. ..... sigh* Anyway, I'll like to thank all those in red cross who encouraged me and helped me to improve my marching. Special thanks go to Yee En, Jia Qi, Vivian.... many many more. Thank You very very much. Ending post now, praying fervently that i GET INTO 2e1.....

Saturday, October 11, 2008 at 3:24 AM

Emily Browning rox! So do Twilight, Narnia and Hp characters! Yeah!!!!! Sorry, very random. Just posting to keep the extremely fragile heart of my blog beating. Got 2nd for the creative writing competition. Yuna rox!!!!! Peace, I'm a hippie!!!!! Lolz .....dunno what to type. Farewell..... ;)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008 at 10:48 PM

Finally found time to change my blog skin. The previous one wasn't very nice, you can't even see the tag board. My posts are getting more boring right? yes, i know. My creative juices have stopped flowing. Used up quite a lot during Literature exam today, I'll refill after lunch. Recently started an idea journal, to jot down any ideas that I might have. I fervently believe that my ideas would change the world!!!!! I simply enjoy smsing a friend of mines. Lets call him no topic guy cause we don't usually chat about anything, just chatting. Dunno how to phrase it. Its just loads of randomness. Lets see, erm...there was one time where we discussed about how he seem to be like James Potter and at other times Remus Lupin. But in one of our recent conversation, I concluded that he's Edward Cullen. Results? How he can commit suicide? ????? These conversation can lasts for hours though. longest was about 4hrs plus? Anyway, read another self improvement book recently. What's with those books? You might ask, well....nothing to do so read lor. They have really nice stories there too. Wrote a few principles in my idea journal.

Don't criticize, condemn or complain
Principle 2
Give honest and sincere appreciation ( pls do so on my tag board, thanks :) )
there's about 20+ principle so, cant be bothered to type all.


Ending post now, best of luck for the examinations! :)

Monday, September 1, 2008 at 12:08 AM

"A Friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of Nature."- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882) US poet & essayist.
I really truly miss my primary school days, though at the same time, I'm starting to open my eyes to the endless opportunities laid out for me in my secondary school days. Really I didn't realise the difference between primary school and secondary school until last Friday's teachers day concert. You see, sitting there listening to all the beat-boxing and watching maniacs dancing around the stage holding barbies aren't what you always see in your innocent and fairly sane elementary school. Being in HS for 8 months has already changed all of us in many ways and I'm secretly excited. What other exciting and fun-filled adventures would occur tomorrow? Especially since I'm in E1. BMG is there and as long as there's BMG and trouble-makers, there will be DRAMA. Went back to my sane and innocent primary school after the celebration and reached there an hour early. So I bought an ice mocha and waited for Bren Bren at the interchange. Waited for half an hour and saw Leroy Lee. I was literally jumping with excitement when we reached. How people have changed. Saw the 6B boys. Wa Lao. Most are probably 18 something tall. Bren Bren chatted with them and I said hello. I later bounced to the 6B girls. said hello and chatted. Didn't recognise Hui jun. A lot of 6A girls went to cedar leh. Saw Cynthia and kept chanting Cynthia Cynthia. Met my younger bro seeing that he studies there, so he tagged along with us and annoyed everybody. Later went up to 2ND floor and saw my youngest bro's class. Said hello to my bro and his friends. Including yehui and Nickson. Yehui was really sweet when she came over during my bro's b'day. She drew me a picture.... Nickson kept pointing and saying YOU! YOU! I WILL GET MY REVENGE!!!!! Lolz. Saw my class pupils and said hello to them. They didn't change much. Greeted Ms Lam and Mdm Low. Mdm low is pregnant again! Wa, speechless* It's barely a year. Saw a lot of other people but didn't get to see the one that i really wanted to see. Went out of school fairly early, Brenda wanted to eat. was rather disappointed. I wanted to stay longer. We headed to Mac hoping to see some others. Too bad no one was there. Had an Oreo cheesecake and fries. Met a HS 1E3 girl. She recognised me so we said hello. Brenda and I parted ways when we reached the supermarket. I'm really going to miss her.....Since I'm currently blogging bout friends, here's the post i promised Vivian. In the form of a poem!:)
V~Very helpful
I~Idolizes Sponge bob
I~In Hs RCY and prefectorial board
A~Ample fun
N~Never ending friendship
Vivian helped me with my foot drill and i am really grateful to her for that. My foot drill has improved considerably. Though I'm still bad at it, but at least I have improved.
To end this friendship post, I will like to announce that I've enrolled in MIND CHAMPS! I can't wait to start on Friday. Too bad I cant collect the bronze with the rest at the National Library on Sat.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008 at 6:08 AM

Yo people! Long time no post!Yes!.......I dunno what to write!....okay Vivian, the promised post would come by this week so do not worry! I am currently partially submerged in PowerPoints. Did I mention that I'm the only one in the entire school, yes, including the sec 3s and 2s ,who got a distinction for science! Yes! Me!!!!!!!!! The Bee!!!!!!!!!YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!That's probably why Mdm Bu wants Guowei, Chantal, Khairul and I to work on a PowerPoint to present to the class which would lasts for 17 weeks. And its due tomorrow! 1 day to finish only. ...... sigh* Then there's also the ipw PowerPoint for English which is due on Tues and the history SA PowerPoint due on wed. Plus I'm the group leader, and unfortunately, we took Bmg in because Ruimin and Chantal pitied her. But oh well, I'm extremely confident that we'll get the highest marks for the ipw. That's why the Thurs meeting was arranged. To practise eye contact and presenting skills. Even the debaters got into a spat so I'm sure we'll overtake them to become Queens of the IPW project!!!!!!!!!!!Battle cry*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember the scrabble com I told you all bout? Well we played against the cocky SJI, the sweet RGS, the scary sec 3 St Nicks's and the rather familiar Nan Chiau people. Turns out one of our competitors was Ian's ex p2 classmate who still remembers him.diaozzz We lost 4 games and won one game against nan chiau. I really envy those RGS girls leh. Really regretted not studying hard for PSLE. Really regretted studying the day before each exam. NOW I'm stuck in a pretty nice neighbourhood school with lots of friends and great ccas. Sigh*** National Day celebrations was on Friday , was in first aid and had to stand there for quite awhile. I'm beginning to love RCY already. Going for the end of year Bangkok trip with the RCY and the one day trip to Malacca with the Humanities club but edusave no money liao. I'm supposed to fork out 200 plus now. It's worth it though, I'm sure. Gotten back some CA results le. A1 for Eng ( including IPW project and the other small tests, assuming that I get good grades for these i tests that I haven't even taken), A1 for history, Yes! 2nd in class! A1 for science, ole ole ole ole. i think either a B3 or 4 for lit (not counted cause haven't add in the animal farm test yet.) Failed math as usual and failed Chinese too. Gasp* But I'm not telling my mom yet cause I'm sure I can squeezed out the 2 marks I need to pass outta the exam paper. Wow, wrote quite a lot today didn't i? at least its longer then my other posts in the recent year.

Monday, July 28, 2008 at 5:29 AM

Recently celebrated my youngest bro's b'day.Here are some pics...Vivian wants a post dedicated to her too. Her wish will come true soon...very soon...MWAHAHAHA. Im very bo liao chess set for the chess maniac
B'day boy blowing b'day balloon
my sexy cousin
boys playing boys games
cedric and bridget balloon fight
All the children present!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008 at 3:29 AM

Honestly speaking, im getting lazier and lazier. I feel like quitting blogging, the only thing holdong me back is that I cant bear to see all the hard work spent building up this blog go to waste. Went out with Bren and my ungrateful bros to celebrate one of my bros' and Bren's b'day. We went to cineleisure. Ate KFc, took neoprints, was late for Get Smart, a really funny movie and took the Mrt to Junction 8 in the end. Saw Ms Lam on the train and said hello. Nothing to type bout..k maybe a lot but then feeling very sian. Sigh....
My bros at cine

Then we went out for dinner at Long Beach, East Coast. Waited for my dad's workers for more than an hour cause they couldnt find the place and the table was almost overflowing when they finally arrived. TAgged along with Lena and the class commitee to look for customised class tees at Penisular Plaza. VERY sian so I went to Bugis to meet my dad while they went out. Good news! IM the only one in school who got a distinction for NSW science the sec 2s,3s,4s only got
credits while the rest of the sec 1s got participation. So happy! Does this show how bad my school is? Though some say that we are one of the best neighbourhood schs. received a lot of congatulations. Im simply bursting at the seams with happiness. My mother recently went on a two day seminar that told her about The Secret. So she bought the DVD. Its really nice! You can actually have anything in the world if you 1) ASK 1)BELIEVE 3)RECIEVE It works! Try it! Heres the link for the 20mins preview on Youtube.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008 at 3:31 AM

Hello all! After weeks of not typing my rents finally connected the internet again. Why wont anyone tag! sad:( Came back from red cross camp last week. Didnt really enjoy it that much. Its not that easy getting hyper you know. I cant even get a good night rest, being woken up once every 2 hrs isnt very enjoyable you know? Went back to sch for the stamp thing and went to Lena's hse after the training to do the draft but ended up watching tv. Went to my cousin's hse over the weekends and watched the Chronicles of Narnia. It's currently my fav movie ever. the guy who played Prince Caspian, Ben Barnes looks so much older online than on the big screen. do you know that the 16 year old who played " Edmund " actually comes from a prestigious british family and is the great-great-great...grandson of Charles Darwin and stays just a corner away from the girl who plays "susan" who is currently studying in Oxford U? And that Georgina Helen Hernsly who plays "Lucy" is actuallly 13 ? Joined a lot of competitions recently, another scrabble comp, the stamp collecting thing, Cd skill comp, World Blood Doners' Day stand in a queue in the Singapore Zoo welcoming the doners, one of the 15 selected in the level to go to Sungei Buloh for science week, NSW Eng and NSW Compo. Coincidently two of the events clashed again. Though this time it was the NSW Compo and the Sungei Buloh trip unlike the previous two, another scrabble comp and the rcy enrolment and cip day. My brother is a sickening idiot. Here are the pics I promised...

Me at Vivo with Bren during my B'day trying to look like L in Deathnote but failed

Fireworks during opening ceremony at the Singapore Flyer


In the cabin

My Dad and youngest bro, the nice one

Friday, May 23, 2008 at 1:54 AM

Sorry got lots of pics to post but something wrong with my com. Sigh* Lots to tell, had post exam activities the other day. Went to Suntec for math trail and had a yummy pretzel. I love pretzels! The Army Museum Amazing Race wasn't that fun but it's still OK lah. The CIP was the worst. Just our luck to do beach cleaning with those 1A1s. There are so ugh. I wont dirty my blog typing bout them. Visit to hear my rantings.Then celebrated my b'day with Ah Bren at Vivo. Had chocolate and lemonade for lunch then play in that water thing before seeing the little puppies and hamsters in a shop. Had popcorn and watched speed racer. A great movie. Chatted with Yilong And Evy last night. Yilong thanks for saying all those things bout me though it was just to spite your friend. You two look so sweet together.Aw. Had fun raising to raise funds for the cyclone Myanmar disaster. Two gd sanitarians donated $10. Raymond very stingy leh, donate 15 cents while Winnie donated $10. Went to Toa Payoh Polyclinic to pei pei the grandmas and granddads there. Very enriching experience though a dirty old man tried chatting up jiaqi. Pics coming in next post.

Friday, May 2, 2008 at 6:56 AM

Exams are almost over!!!!:D very confident that I'll pass all subjects maybe even Math too. You must have noticed that I already change my blog skin. You must be cockeyed if you didn't. Is it nice? 6Feeling rather annoyed that those childish 1e3 guys criticised the class blog that I made I spend three days on it leh. Nothing else to type liao ... Got a haircut recently. Cut until very short and everybody thinks its ugly. Someone even mistook me for BMG...sad...Stupid. Knew I should not have allowed my mom to ask that hairdresser to cut my hair. Now its not only too short but is ugly too. What nonsense, hot weather... blah blah blah....Arghhh!!!!!!!!!! How can I grow to my original length by cultural night! 21 days!

Monday, April 14, 2008 at 12:59 AM

Mostly a lot of things to type. Actually rather looking forward to typing but after that Bmg incident really no mood to type . Recap...Bmg sitting there dunno doing what then Alvin or come then he sneeze ( real one ) Bmg then very angry. Then Andrew come then he sneeze at her ( fake one ) she even more angry. Then she kept shouting dunno what. Yes, her voice is that unclear. That's mainly why ppl keep making fun of her i guess. That and her anger-management prob. Bmg then spat at Lena's math book when Lena told her to cool down. Lena then asked her to pay her back one book Bmg threw her book and Lena threw both their books into the bin. Bmg picked hers up and threw Lena's book into the bin forcefully. Then Lena even wanted a transfer and wanted to quit being class president. I find some of the boys rather unfair to her. Always contradicting her and everything.Great to have finally get this off my chest. Now for the great news. Happy b'day JingJing. Was Jingjing's b'day yesterday, so went to her house to celebrate with a few last year classmates. Including him...First go Jingjing's hse eat and bla bla bla. Then go downstairs see them play bball then Verity and I walked around spring bloom. Yzy took my phone and had to chase after him. He in the end went home early. In the end, bball court was occupied so we take back gate pass the canal to chiltern park my old hse and Everett's hse they then played bball at the court while verity and I watch and talked. Someone dropped their wallet in the canal and had to go down to take. Luckily not raining. Took bus home with Debbie at around 8pm. Just in time to catch Death note. Now I know why Bren likes it so much. Can't wait till tomorrow. Mommy bought tickets to the Singapore Flyer!!!!!!!!!!Ya!!!!!!I solemnly swear to do well for my SAs to repay her.....Pls visit class blog leh tag too. The new blog is

Sunday, April 6, 2008 at 2:00 AM

My blog's going to be dead, can't seem to find time to post even during the holidays .Anyway, had elearning day on Fri and needed to make a blog for English talking bout a memorable holiday. Here's mines . Also helped Ubaidah and Jaslyn to create a blog. NOT FOR THE ASSIGNMENT. I made the class blog too. using Harry Potter theme, rather funny. Now for the bad news or maybe its good news? I got selected to participate in a Scrabble competition against other school and my red cross community service and enrolment day is coming soon. We were supposed to go to Jalan Besar to help people living in 1-room rental flats like the 9 o'clock show which just ended. The Scrabble competition is at Queenstown Sec. Unfortunately...they both fall on the same day! Can't decide which one to go...maybe I'll go for scrabble and see if it'll finish early then go for the community service thing which starts exactly after the scrabble thing. Confirm must skip enrolment thing already. So which is better? Cca points and fun or Cip points, fun and community service?

Monday, March 24, 2008 at 7:02 AM

I need help! Well my bro was supposed to come home alone as my mom already gave him permission to do so but his teacher won't let him leave the school and my other bro had to fetch him instead and well that bad-tempered teacher scolded him and my two bros ended up reaching home at 8! Now my father is really angry and is considering transferring my bro to Hougang Primary opposite Hs! Though I've heard nice things bout HGPS can I really bear my brother letting my brother leave our beloved YZPS because of a few black sheep? I would really appreciate your comments and suggestions...

Sunday, March 16, 2008 at 12:41 AM

Nothing much to talk about except to say that I won't be posting so much as I took up a new hobby already. To all those who want blog skins tell me and I'll get it done. Wen t for the RCyY archery thing at Compassvale Sec last Thursday. It seems like i can only shoot the arrow at the yellow circle when I'm not looking at the big circle thing. It then rain so we went home early then nothing to talk bout already.....

Wednesday, March 5, 2008 at 9:31 PM

Currently at school....nothing else to do..........Went for the prefect's interview yesterday, can't wait for the bbq on sat.....can't wait to meet everybody again.......nothing else to type bout.....sigh*.......

Tuesday, February 26, 2008 at 2:57 AM

Is it you, maybe you are the one I have been waiting for, could you be the one for me....I haven't posted for such a long time its no wonder my typing feels a little rusty. I supposed than you can say that a lot of rather ordinary daily life happenings happened, dotted with little unexpected occasions. I have been reading Adam Khoo's "I am a genius, so are you " a great book. In fact I'm already starting to plan my life plan.Planning to get into a jc but haven't decided which one yet, am also planning to study in Singapore. I Will Be Forever Loyal To The Little Red Dot.!!!!! Went to Sengkang to ask for donations for Red Cross last Sat and went to the collection point with a rather heavy can. Also got back ca results.Got 5A1 and 2s, failed math and just passed science. Ended up with 3.00 for MSG and l1r5 14. Short post, I know. Oh and I'm also going to the 6D-07 BBQ at jingjing's hse. Over and out.

Friday, February 1, 2008 at 3:05 AM

It has been a long time since i last posted and this is currently my third post this year. I supposed Hs is ok I guess, if I hadn't already settled down I believe that I'll appeal to go to a better school. They dont even have a pupil who got 541s in the recent o'levels. Can't belive that I'm bad-mouthing my school. I'm still sore that I didn't get into my first choice.Sigh* The ccas there are great though and the teachers are too. I don't really like the principal or my primary school's current principal. I believe that Mrs Lim wouldn't be so stingy if she was still our principal.I'm in red cross and infocomm and the activities are fun. JUst finished Ca1 yesterday. Got highest for englishy, a draw with a boy. JUst like p5 and 6, always a draw with a boy. Feeling negative...

Friday, January 11, 2008 at 12:39 AM

Don't look back get a new direction, loved you once i needed protection...heartbroken....Officially started lessons already.I'm enjoying all the lessons so far. Having recess with Shufen from 1E2 and Beiwen everyday. Was walking home with Beiwen yesterday when we saw one Malay girl from HS standing at the block of flats there. There a mew, mew, mew sound so she brought us to the second story. There was a little kitty cat there and it kept " mew, mew, mew." So cute.Then the Malay girl's friend picked the cat up and asked if Beiwen and I wanted to carry the cat. It left black marks on my uniform.Seeing that it was a stray cat that kept mewing without stopping, Beiwen and I decided to call the SPCA. So Beiwen called her friend to ask for the number.Her friend gave us the wrong no and we ended up calling the National Environment Board, so we went downstairs where the Malay girls were sitting smoking to ask bout the cat. Rather shocked that they should be smoking, they seemed like nice ppl but ended up smoking. Wonder why they want to die earlier.They told us the cat belonged to someone upstairs so should leave it there. rather embarrassed when we walked away. LOL.

Thursday, January 3, 2008 at 2:23 AM

Watched National Treasure; book of secrets on new year's eve. I love my school. Made friends in my class and a friend in class 1E2. My form teacher is nice and I have a friend, Pei wen who i walked to the bus stop with. Played games and had a school tour on the first day of school and went to Sentosa today to build sandcastles and had lunch and tea break there.Great fun.Arrived back at school at 2.30pm and went around looking at the ccas ( sports and uniformed groups today ) The NPCC ppl are really scary. They kept harassing us to join and when i got to another part of the school, a plainclothes NPCC ask me to join again! Finally decided that maybe either join red cross or Frisbee then tomorrow see the clubs and societies then decide. We can have more than two ccas so...very hard to choose. Pei Wen's joining judo and our school's judo is 3rd in Singapore. Yeah!

Monday, December 24, 2007 at 6:29 AM

Yo! I got into Hougang Sec, near my grandaunt's house in Hougang there. My 6th choice in the list but its actually a great school. Went for the Sec1 orientation last Fri and made friends! One from Punggol Primary and another ex-Yangzhengnite who was taking down the T-shirt size for our team building trip at Sentosa on the second day of school. They're both great ppl. Jingjing, a 6c guy and a 6e guy were also posted to Hougang Sec but were in different classes. I'm in class 1E1 while Jingjing is in class 1E4. My rents brought my bros and I out yesterday, my grandmother too. Took a cable car at Mt Faber, we then watched the 4D extreme log ride show and the 4D pirate show. Next we took the luge ride up the hill and the sky ride down. Super exciting and I'll post the pictures in the slide show soon.Had seafood for dinner. A great dinner in fact. That was my bros and I Christmas present. I love the season of giving ... :)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007 at 2:58 AM

Hougang!!!!!!!I'm going to Hougang Secondary!!!Got my Psle posting results le. Stayed at another one of my aunt's house for 3 days, she brought my cousin and I to the cinema. Watched Alvin and the Chipmunks while my aunt and uncle watched Warlords.Kim jeong Hoon actually has an IQ thats four marks lower than Einstien!Waiting fo Friday.

Saturday, December 15, 2007 at 3:24 AM

saying goodbye doesnt matter what matters are the memories...Witch YooHee rox!I like the senior best though, among Youxi's suitors.Watching the show somehow shows that you must strike while the iron's hot, it might be too late if you don't, if Johnny had told Youxi that he liked her when he had the chance in the dunno wat ep, Youxi would not have ended up with Wulong. The same with Senior.Though i rather hope Youxi would end up with Senior.Currently having housewarming party and feeling glad that i have finally reached him after a week of findinghim, then finding out that he had been overseas.Sigh* wasted a few cents sending smses...Cant wait till Wednesday, hopefully can get to either Xinmin or St. Nicks.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007 at 12:15 AM

Long time no post and lots to report.Currently at my cousin's house and staying for dunno how many days.Went out with Brenda and Hanlyn last Thurs. Watched Enchanted at Junction 8, found it rather nice and went home at bout 7pm.Also went out on Fri with Verity, Peinee and her sis.Met Peinee and Verity at Ntuc then toke the wrong bus and went all the way to East Coast instead of Amk hub where we were to meet Peinee's sis.We then went to Bugis, had KFc for lunch, then go to Bugis Street then Plaza Sing before going home. Probably the hcheapest outing i've ever been to.I only spent $9.Nothin to do now...Can't wait till 19 dec...

Thursday, November 22, 2007 at 5:12 PM

I got my results!For PSLE! Already!!!!!!!Our school's highest is 266 and our class highest is 245. Next is 236 then 226. I got 220!!!!!!!A A B A!!!!!!!Though I can't get to the sec school that I originally wanted to go, I'm glad that I can at least get to a sec school. This year highest in Singapore is 294! The pupil from st Hilda's dedicated her results to her grandfather and I find this very touching. She deseved to get 294. I probably won''t get to see most of my friends already and I'll miss everybody.我根本不想分开。。。

Saturday, November 10, 2007 at 12:43 AM

Divide and conquer this land, pls come with me, see what i see, just a dream, just n ordinary dream...Went out with Bren and my bro last Thurs. we went to junction 8 to get Christmas presents and watch Bee Movie, it was quite nice actually. unfortunately, we couldn't find the neoprint shop so we couldn't take any neoprints, a pity actually.Its already the last week of school. We'll all be separating soon and I'll miss everybody and everything. Watched Silent Hill at school today. Its not that scary but overall its nice lah. Someone sitting in front of the classroom kept screaming at one part and lol, guess what? Someone else threw a bottle at her. I kept laughing. Honestly speaking, i really truly would miss you all...I think I'll try to get in touch with everybody when i grow up, then we can get together for a class Reunion! I'm thinking of asking everybody i meet, for etc if i go to a bookshop or something, I'll ask everybody that i talk to, if they studied at yzps and what year. Hopefully they won't think I'm stalking them like zakee or is it Yilong said? And PS to all adults reading this, i'm not naive.At least i can plan, so what if you planned this when you were young and it turned out diff when you grew up? I can at least dream can't i?I also played truth or dare with Zakee, Yilong, Verity and Peinee yes. Funny.Played scrabble at school; today cause we're not allowed to bring cards and such.I'm bringing monopoly tomorrow but i can't find the other dice. Mom ordered pizza today. feeling hungry already...

Thursday, November 1, 2007 at 5:06 AM

Saturday, October 20, 2007 at 1:42 AM

Ahhh...I just love reading a great Lily and James fanfic...Currently staying at my cousin, Desiree's house to tutor her.Her exams are coming soon you see, lots to report.I'm sorry i misunderstood you, if you actually see this post and know what i mean, i'm sorry i didn't trust you.Anyway, Mdm Low asked me to join another story-writing contest for something that i forgot and i don't know if my story is acceptable or not, p6 camp is in 5 days!!!!!!!I can't wait!!!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007 at 3:04 AM

PSLE's over, i've already shifted to my new house.STOP hiding things from me!Either you really are hiding something from me or i'm paranoid, either way i'll like it better if everybody would stop talking behind my back, i can hear you from the other side of the classroom, seeing that your mouth is as wide as the pacific ocean and its natural that your voice would be just as loud.Don't speak, i know what you're saying.Currrently thinking of which secondary school to go to...I LOVE MY LIFE<>I LOVE MY CLASSMATES AND SCHOOLMATES AND TEACHERS AND PRINCIPALS AND SCHOOL AND FRIENDS AND CLOTHES AND CDS ANDSHOES AND BOOKS AND MY HW AND MY DIARIES AND MY PHOTOS AND MY HEALTH SUPPLEMENTS AND MY DINNER< LNCH AND BREAKFAST, AND YOUR DINNER, LUNCH AND BREAKFAST.=)

Friday, September 28, 2007 at 11:05 PM

My bro's friend just came, with his maid and brother. Guess what i was doing?Singing!!!My singing is horrible! Furthermore i was singing Naked by Avril Lavigne! I was just singing that part when he's friend suddenly came! ARGHHH!!!!!!!!!Do you ever feel rather like you fantasize about something, wishing it will happen but no it wouldn't so instead you read stories that touch you, make you cry, laugh, envy, etc etc just to get those feelings out? Do You?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 at 3:14 AM

Sorry for not posting for a long long time, i was just caught up with my Lily Evans and James Potter fanfics.I'm trying to make this post better than the previous posts i posted in Sept and August, they all sound crappy. Though before i start telling you bout my day i 'm just going to have to point out 3 rather important points that I'm rather annoyed about:
1. to someone that I'm sure would prefer to be nameless. You were rather horrible to Ms Lam's ' mighty monitor' when you kept teasing him. They're such things as feelings OK?

2. Why won't anyone tag? The tag board is below the many playlists that i have ( in case you couldn't find it )I put a tag board there for something, not to collect dust! So, I'll greatly appreciate it if you tag. The last post was like about when? August?

3. To all busybodies who are spreading rumours, though I'm tempted to mention your names and cause you public ridicule, the extremely kind moi, is not going to do that. But
STOP SPREADING WHAT YOU READ IN HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm not even going to say please now.

Well, back to my day. We played captain ball today for PE and i was supposed to stand on the chair ( girls played captain ball together two teams against each other, boys played captain ball at the other side of the hall) ZhiWen, even though you only saw the part where i missed catching the ball, i did catch the ball at other times, so stop saying i don't know how to catch a ball!!!!!And to Debbie, sorry for accidentally hitting you with the ball, you were running round the chair and making me rather dizzy, so i just threw the ball, i didn't mean it. That's all i guess,I'm shifting to Yio Chu Kang in 13 days!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007 at 7:23 AM

I'm shifting house, to Yio Chu Kang at the end of the month. It's a good thing i supposed. I got the highest for Eng overall 85. My crush actually likes someone else. Etc Etc nothing else to write don't feel like writing, am feeling miserable, aching. 3 weeks till PSLE...*sigh...

Thursday, September 6, 2007 at 10:10 PM

Srry, for sounding like a sick chicken in the previous entry, you'll understand if you're..... i'm not going to say it. Since High School Musical 2 is showing soon in Singapore, i thought maybe to support it, i can publish the lyrics to my fav High School Musical 2 song here.
You Are The Music In Me
KELSI:Na na na naNa na na na ye You are the music in me
You know the words once upon a time
Make you listen.There's a reason.

there's a chance you'll find
A little laughter or a happy ever after

GABRIELLA AND TROY:Your harmony to the melody
It's echoing inside my head

GABRIELLA:A single voice
(Troy: Single voice)

GABRIELLA:Above the noise

TROY AND GABRIELLA:And like a common thread

TROY:Hmm, you're pulling me

GABRIELLA:When I hear my favorite song
I know that we belong

TROY:Oh, you are the music in me

TROY:Yeah it's living in all of us

GABRIELLA:And it's brought us here because

TROY AND GABRIELLA:Because you are the music in me

TROY AND GABREILLA:Na na na na (Ohh)Na na na na
Yeah yeah yeah (Na na na na)
You are the music in me

GABRIELLA:It's like I knew you before we met (Before we met)
Can't explain it (Ohh ohh)
There's no name for it (No name for it)

TROY AND GABRIELLA:I'm saying words I never said

TROY:And it was easy (So easy)
Because you see the real me (I see)
As I am

And that's more than I've ever known

GABRIELLA:To hear your voice (Hear your voice)
Above the noise (Ohh ohh)

GABREILLA AND TROY:And no, I'm not alone

GABRIELLA:Oh you're singing to me (Ohh yeah)

TROY AND GABRIELLA:When I hear my favorite song
I know that we belong (Yeah ohh)
You are the music in me
It's living in all of us
And it's brought us here because
You are the music in me
Together we're gonna sing (Yeah)
We got the power to sing what we feel (What we feel)
Connected and real
Can't keep it all inside (Ohh)

EVERYONE:Na na na na (Ohh yeah)
Na na na na (Ohh yeah)
Yeah yeah yeah
(Na na na na)

GABRIELLA:You are the music in me (In me)

EVERYONE:Na na na na (Ohh yeah)
Na na na na (Ohh yeah)Na na na na
You are the music in me

EVERYONE:When I hear my favorite song (Favorite song)
I know that we belong (We belong)
You are the music in me
Yeah it's living in all of us
It's brought us here because (Here because)
You are the music in me
Na na na na (Ohh yeah)Na na na na (Ohh yeah)
Na na na naYou are the music in me


Wednesday, September 5, 2007 at 1:08 AM

Fish, you're an idiot. I can't believe you did that to Huitong. Typical Sirius Black. I had the longest conversation with him yesterday, no not fish, Him! You-know-who! Not Voldermot! i mean him! But i don't care if you understand me or not cause most probably, you won't even understand what the hell am i talking about now. It brightened up my holidays a lot. I went to Comet that eletronics fair or something with my family on Sun and that's bout the only time i went out during the holidays.But that conversation, 2 and a half hour conversation, by smsing, really truly brightened my day, i know i'm repeating my words but ... whatever. And, yes i'm honoured...
